its saturday
join me
on my #urbanexploration
with a tenuous connection
a London city link
I am on Baker street
the sky is blue
my frozen fingers
face & toes are attached
as is my camera for a few snaps
my left & rights muddled
it takes awhile
to retread the path
in the direction
which I had planned to go
I cross the road thinking
my misdirection was meant to be
for what do I see?
blocks of pure colour
on which are words just for me
I retrace my steps
in wonder
these blocks
are on every corner
a found urban installation
I do see
entitled urban64
after the year
in which we were bore
yes James I agree
in reality they are barriers of a sort
but know this from my friend Graham
a poet, a painter, a gentle man
‘not all doors are barriers’
through many we can move
ok my inner voice agrees
if not in reality
then lets move through these doors
in reimagined virtuality